
Make Stuff Monday - the postal-friendly beauty box


So the other day, I shared some decorated glassine bags to fit into a decorated file folder which I packed into this postal-friendly box. The elements are flat but the box is sturdy enough for me to put in the  rest of my beauty box contents. 

Since the recipient has already gotten her parcel and used the contents of it (she sent me photos! *LOL*), I can now tell you what I sent her along with her day and night skincare routine - a small eye shadow palette, a set of travel makeup brushes, travel-sized lipsticks and mascara. I wanted to include perfume as well but apparently the alcohol in perfumes make them a prohibited item to ship via air (always check so that your parcel actually reaches your recipient). The idea was to send her a little self-indulgence birthday package to enjoy.

I kept the elements really simple - using mostly fussy-cut elements and stickers.

It was a fun package to put together....especially for a friend who loves makeup like I do. 

What do you think? Do you have someone in your life who would enjoy a beauty box?

Happy week ahead friends! I'm a little behind in returning blog visits but I promise to catch up this week. :)


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1 Cindy deRosier said...

Such a great gift! I had no idea it wasn't ok to ship perfume. I wouldn't have thought to even check on that.

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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