
Workspace Wednesday - new shoes and a life update


Hello friends! Just got myself a pair of Nike Air Max today. LOVE how bright and loud the colours are! If you must know, I work out at home. So these fancy shoes are for my visual pleasure. *LOL*

Anyway, how are you doing in your neck of the woods? 

Dad is fully vaccinated while mum has had her first dose. Mum was due to have her second dose last week but she had a bit of a health scare and was hospitalised for a night with an inflammation in her gut. She's on a strong course of antibiotics and resting at home. I've been cooking with a wide variety of veggies and herbs to rebuild her microbiome and get her gut healthy again. 

Meanwhile, I'm still waiting to make an appointment to get vaccinated even though I've already registered my interest. I think we definitely have a supply issue here. You would think that it would be easy to vaccinate a population of 5.5 million quickly but not if global supplies are low. 

Tell me what's happening in your life. :)


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1 Cindy deRosier said...

I like your new shoes!

We're waiting on vaccines too - tomorrow is the day we are officially eligible, so all 80 bazillion of us who are newly eligible start scrambling for an appointment. Things are starting to open up around here. Trevor could have started back at school this week (on Fridays only - distance learning the rest of the time) but opted not to. While we're eager to see family, we're fine waiting longer to make it even more safe.

2 Lizzyc said...

Nice shoes! I hope they help with your working out! Life continues along here, a few family stresses at the moment, but the weather has been great!!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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