
This week's page from the Gratitude Journal - Kiehl's advent calendar


Last year, I treated myself to the Kiehl's advent calendar and really opened just 1 box a day *high fives all around*. :)

P/s: Just saw that I left out the 'l' in Kiehl's on my page...*LOL*


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Workspace Wednesday - my new bunny pal

 Happy Wednesday friends! Meet my new bunny pal! :) Can anyone resist a cute bunny with a camera? *winks*


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On my desk - recent eye drawings


Making a little more progress in the eye drawings. 

Got 2 done last week.

And one done just today.:)

Hope you are finding time to be creative!


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The one about the spa day


We had a spa day in Batam.:)

And the folks got to enjoy a body massage, a scalp treatment and a foot massage.

This photo of the folks cracks me up...*LOL*

And here they are after the pampering...:)

Just a fun layout with lots of paper scraps and stickers.

Happy week ahead friends!


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This week's page from the gratitude journal - the dessert from La Badiane.JPEG

I love a dessert with a mix of textures and flavours but not overly sweet. Like this dessert from my fave French restaurant in Hanoi. :)

What about you?


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Workspace Wednesday - new nails!

Just got my nails done. Went for glittery glam. *winks*



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Celebrating mum's birthday 2024


We recently celebrated mum's birthday 2024.:)

We went to town for a Sephora event then had dinner and cake.

The birthday girl was really happy. *winks*

Was pretty happy to have used up some of my sticker stash. :)

And using 7 photos! :)


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This week's single eye drawing


Yes...still struggling with time management at this point. Did do this one eye drawing this week. *LOL*


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The one about our Batam vacation #2

Last week, I shared that we went on a quick getaway to Batam, Indonesia. Here is layout #2.

Which features the two old folks getting excited over donuts! *LOL*

Mum was carrying the plate of donuts...

And here we have dad sticking his tongue out to lick them...hahaha.

Yep...sometimes the folks can be pretty entertaining. *winks*

Lots of paper scraps, stickers and washi tape. Keep the elements pretty muted so that the focus is on the fun photos!



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Tuesday's page from the gratitude journal - the start of cute nails


Remember my first cute bunny face nail art? That marked the start of me getting cute nails!:) Now documented in my gratitude journal.


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The one about our Batam vacation #1


So we went to Batam, an Indonesian island about 90 minutes away by ferry, for a quick getaway during a three-day weekend back in March.

And I finally printed out the photos and worked on the layouts. *winks*

It was a short vacation but a much-needed getaway.

Just a fun layout using lots of scrap bits and packaging materials.

Happy weekend friends!


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Workspace Wednesday - a single eye drawing


Okay..haven't quite got back to daily eye drawing practice yet...but I did draw this one eye. *winks*


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Tuesday's desk- a double page spread from the gratitude journal it July already? And I haven't started on 2024's gratitude journal! *chaotic music plays in the background*

Let's speed things up by sharing a double page spread from the 2023's gratitude journal....all about yummy food! *happy music plays in the background*


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Make Stuff Monday - one bag two ways (Part 2)


Happy Monday friends! Found another 2 mini paper bags in my stash and decided to do a part 2 of the one bag two ways I shared last week.:)

Here is the undecorated mini paper bag...

Bag #1

And bag #2.

Super quick projects using the scraps from my desk. They turned out cute, eh? *winks*


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Thursday's desk - an eye drawing


Life has been busy of late and this is the only eye drawing I got in this week. *sad music plays in the background*

Hope to have more time to draw/paint soon!


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