
Workspace Wednesday - fresh flowers


Hello friends! How has your week been? Are those fresh flowers you spy on my already overloaded desk? Well yes. :) Got this bunch at the supermarket for $10...for maybe 6 days of floral bliss. *winks* But totally worth piling my stuff at the other end of the desk for a couple of days. *LOL*

Okay so the lilies made it to Day 4 and I transferred the remaining blooms into a smaller vase so that I can move it off my main desk area. And of course promptly filled up the desk with my mess again. *hahaha*

What about you? Do you like having fresh floral arrangements at home?


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1 Cindy deRosier said...

LOL. I'm impressed you found room for the flowers on your desk! You need a vase that hangs down from your ceiling. :)

We grow flowers in the yard (roses, hydrangea, tulips, lilies, iris, cyclamen, freesia, and a few others I'm forgetting). I occasionally cut some to bring inside, but I mostly enjoy them outdoors.

Funny story: When Steve and I were first dating, I was taking a flower arranging class. I told him to please not bring me flowers because I had nowhere to put them. My house already looked like a funeral home with 6+ giant bouquets at all times. He jokingly took this to mean he should NEVER bring me flowers. It's been 16+ years since I've taken a flower arranging class and when he does bring flowers home (a couple times a year) he always says they're for him and not for me. It makes me laugh every time.

2 Lizzyc said...

ooo I love fresh flowers inside.. especially if I have grown them in my garden!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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