
Baking on a Tuesday


Today was a relatively productive day. Made brekkie for nephew #1. Went out for a breakfast meeting (Which meant I had breakfast...yay! Sometimes life gets busy and I forget to eat...like yesterday.) Got back home to cook lunch. Got more work done. Then baked sourdough bread loaf #1. 

Followed by loaf #2. Can't decide which scoring style I prefer. (They are walnut, apricot, raisin and cranberry sourdough bread loaves). 

And since I got the oven all nice and hot, I decided to make some miso peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. Like 31 of them. Only ended up with 30 because 1 got "stolen" while it was chilling on the cooling rack. Yep, that's why I can't start a home bakery business friends. My food gets stolen before they can get packed and shipped off to customers. *LOL*

Then I cooked dinner and cleaned up. All done by 7.30pm. Now just blogging about my day before heading to bed. :)

What about you? What's Tuesday like for you?


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1 Cindy deRosier said...

Your bread looks amazing! I like the tic-tac-toe scoring best.

My Tuesday started with school drop-off, a preventative care screening at the doctor (all is well), work, lunch, more work, and I'm headed out to do school pick-up soon. :)

2 Lizzyc said...

Well you sound like you have had a very productive day! Well done on the cooking.. and I am surprised that not more are stolen, they look so good! well it is a wednesday here for me and I have had a busy day as well.... washing, washed the floors, did some facebook browsing, got said washing in and folded and put away, and then spent some lovely time out in the garden potting up some new bulbs and watering the flowers as well as pulling out the old flowers that have gone ratty.. so a pretty good productive day for me too.. Oh and I put up a blog post myself and now am checking out a few blogs in blog land!! I hope tomorrow is a good day for you as well!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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