
Another one of my goals in 2022 is....


Two years into mostly staying at home and ordering stuff online have certainly changed my perspective on consumption and the "waste" that comes with said consumption. If you are a regular visitor to my blog over the last decade, you would know that I'm big on recycling, upcycling and repurposing things.

But my recycling/upcycing/repurposing cannot keep up with the rate at which stuff enters my orbit. Pictured is the average number of cardboard boxes that goes into the recycle bin each week. Because I don't have the space to keep everything for "future" projects. (cardboard boxes don't keep well in a hot and humid climate..)

I'm already making the conscious effort to use what I have instead of buying new stuff. From using existing art supplies to wearing clothes already in my closet...

To opting for eco-friendly refills...

To drinking only Nepresso coffee because they collect and recycle the pods.

Still, I ask myself constantly if I'm doing enough for the environment. 

So in 2022, my goal is to be a more conscious consumer when it comes to purchasing things that I need/want so that I don't accumulate so much "waste". And to use things that I already own instead of buying a new fancier version. To stop buying things on impulse because it's on sale.

I don't think it will be easy since I love stuff. But I'm going to try. *triumphant music plays in the background*

What about you? Do you have any eco-goals?


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1 Lynn said...

I like this post because it addresses the efforts we all need to make to reuse, repurpose, recycle or discard. I like the photo of the pencil stubs! I also use L'Occitane products and have started buying their refills. I didn't know about the recyclable pods. The part about buying less and resisting sales is going to be the hardest for me. I am also a major shopper of craft supplies and cosmetics. We must be related....hahaha!

2 Lizzyc said...

Good on you for trying to do the right thing with less waste.. I try around home to re-cycle etc.. I think as long as we are thinking and trying than surely that will make a difference..

3 Cindy deRosier said...

Yes, it's very important to me to consume less. It's also important to me to give the things I don't need to someone who does need them vs. just throwing them out.

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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