
Make Stuff Monday - new dishes I've tried recently


These days I've been really embracing the whole "since I'm stuck at home, let me make something nice" process....and trying new recipes. 

Like this Souffléd Apple and Blueberry Omelette. It was pretty good..aka all gone. *winks*

I also tried this Japanese-style pan-fried tofu with garlic and butter. So simple but really tasty. And another member of the empty plate club. :)

The other day I was watching a Korean cooking channel and they used the 3-egg pan to make mini veggie pancakes! Which got me really excited since I own said 3 egg-pan and it was really under-utilised. Previously I made a large veggie pancake but it was extremely challenging to flip the pancake without breaking it. It was soooooo much easier using the 3-egg pan and making the mini-versions. 

My dad doesn't like to eat stir-fried veggies. But he loves a pancake. So this is my way to "force" him to eat the veggies. Especially since I made a spicy dipping sauce to go with it. :)

Just this morning, I tired making Oeufs Au Plat - French-style fried eggs - for the nephew. (It smelled so good that I made one for myself too....a few hours later.) Such a simple dish but oh-so-good. I guess it's all in the butter. :)First, pan-fry the eggs in butter. Remove from pan. Add more butter to pan. Sauté garlic, mushrooms and chicken. Add salt, pepper and oregano flakes. Spoon the herby mix over cooked eggs. Sprinkle with flaked sea salt and black pepper. Super yummy. :)

What about you? Tried anything new recently?


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1 Cindy deRosier said...

It all sounds and looks great!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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