
This week's Santa project - the LAST one!


Well my friends, this is it. The very LAST of the Santas on a project. In full disclosure, I have 5 more Santas but they are going on the packages that are going postal tomorrow but I won't be sharing them here for privacy (and possibly surprise) reasons. *winks*

Anyway, this one really is a mish mash of my Christmas scrap supplies. :)

I've kept it flat for easy storage and transport.

But I did try to incorporate some texture with the bit of glitter paper and the ribbon.

So yesterday I went downtown to check out the Christmas Decor in Orchard Road (our version of California's Rodeo Drive but much much shorter..hehe) and it was dismal at best compared to years past. Guess the retailers have really been hard hit this year and are low on budget. 

What about you? Are you all prepared for Christmas? (Asked the gal who still has her Christmas decor in the storeroom..*LOL*)


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

No!! Say it isn't SO!! This cannot be the last Santa (now you know I am going to search my stash for this paper to send to you, right?!?!? LOL!)!!! I loveeeeeeeeee this! SO FUN!

2 Cindy deRosier said...

I can't believe it's the last Santa! You finished with a high note. This is really cute. I am not prepared for Christmas. Most of our decorations are up, the Christmas letter is drafted but not printed, the cards are printed but not sent, and the gifts range from sent to not-even-thought-about-yet.

3 Lynn said...

Oh! Ho! Ho! Ho! What a great gift bag. Love the way you arranged the parts so they were slightly off center but balanced.

4 Lizzyc said...

oh no.. you simply must get yourself more santas!! This looks wonderful!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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