
Surprise ! Extra Santa projects!


Last week, I shared what I thought was the last Santa project as I wasn't sure if I could share the last few projects since there were going to be on actual mail packages. I did manage to take some pictures before I addressed the packages. So you get to see them. I mean, in case you had some Santa withdrawal (is it only me? *winks*)

This one was the largest package so I had a little more space to play with.  I made sure to leave space for actual stamps. I always ask for stamps at the post office. :)

I wanted to make it look nice and festive without covering the whole package and confusing the mailman. *LOL*

While leaving me enough space to write the recipient's name and address. 

The sweet lady at the post office took great care to paste the stamps around my design so I hope the recipients enjoy their parcels. Or at least the stamps of Singapore's cityscape. Parcels which they might receive possibly in 2021 since apparently I was supposed to send out mail by mid-November to even score a pre-Christmas delivery. I have a totally valid excuse:  It's 2020's fault. *LOL*


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

HA! It is totally 2020's fault!!!!! I have totally had Santa withdrawals!!! Love these!

2 Lizzyc said...

Wow even the packages look like designer items!! these look wonderful.. and because they look so good I dont think anyone will mind if they are late.. the post here can be very slow at times!!!

3 Cindy deRosier said...

These are gorgeous! I hadn't realized I had Santa withdrawals, but apparently so because I was really happy to see these. And if there's one thing 2020 has given us, it's an excuse for literally EVERYTHING that goes wrong, lol. That's going to be my claim when my gifts don't arrive in time. (Based on the fact that I'm saying this on Dec 11 shows where the blame actually lies, but whatever.)

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