
A page from the recipe planner - chocolate sourdough bread


Hello friends! Today I'm sharing a page from the recipe planner - chocolate sourdough bread. :)

My first foray into the sweeter side of sourdough breads. These smell amazing when they are piping hot right out of the oven. But of course, you can't cut into them. I wait till the next day. (Yes, my friends, who is this patient gal right? *winks*)

I did modify the recipe though...I used walnuts. The original recipe uses hazelnuts which are ridiculously expensive here.

The upside about working on my recipe pages is that I get to use up my 6x6 patterned paper scraps and stickers.:)

And small fussy-cut pieces that might get lost on a regular 12x12 page...:)

Happy Tuesday friends! :)


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...


2 Cindy deRosier said...

I've made a lot of sourdough in my day, but never with chocolate. You've inspired me to try!

3 Lynn said...

Wow, thanks for sharing the recipe. Your layout is great. So how was the bread? When I made a chocolate loaf (not sourdough) everyone was skeptical of the dark color but they loved the chocolate taste.

4 Lizzyc said...

Fabulous recipe page! I can only imagine the smell of the fresh cooking!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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