
This week's quick card with paper scraps


I must say that I'm a slacker when it comes to cards. I see others make easel cards, multi-layered cards, cards with moving parts etc..and I tell myself to try making ONE but I never do. *winks*

One reason is because I only used paper scraps to make my cards. I never cut into a new sheet of paper just to make a card. Otherwise, the paper scrap pile will just get bigger and bigger. *LOL*

Plus I need my cards to be relatively flat for ease of storage and shipping. And of course, I like my cards to be done in under 15 minutes....from conceptualisation to completion. So I have to keep them really simple. :)

What about you? Are you adventurous when it comes to making cards?


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

You already know my answer!! LOL!! Since cards are not my first love, they get the least amount of time dedicated to them! LOL!!! I loveeeeee this! LOVING that deer!

2 Cindy deRosier said...

I'm like you - cards are made from scraps, they shouldn't take too long to create, and they have to be flat for mailing.

3 Lynn said...

You do very well using just scraps to make cards....amazing! Although I do often make complex cards, I like to create cards that are somewhere between 'use up those scraps' and 'easy to replicate for group mailing'.

4 Lizzyc said...

Very cute.. and yes i like to use scraps too.. totally get the idea of not cutting into a new sheet of paper just for a card!!

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