
What's new in my life - August 2020 edition


The one good thing about staying at home over the last few months has been really using up the stuff I have at hand. It's interesting how an adhesive you didn't really like and chucked aside in the drawer can suddenly be used up when you can't get to a store physically but absolutely refuse to pay ridiculous shipping for your item or buy more stuff to qualify for free shipping. 

Anyway, I did an art supply store run and bought some much needed adhesive to replenish the stuff I've used up. :)

I also picked up some new tea towels for my bread-making needs. Apparently, the damp tea towel that you use to cover the dough when it rests cannot be washed with laundry detergent as the dough would absorb the scent ( know me, when I get obsessed with something, I do extensive research..*winks*). Now, I can't have my bread smelling like laundry so I bought new tea towels that would only be washed with baking soda and warm water. I know, the things I do for bread-making. *LOL*

And apparently I've only bought ONE eyeshadow palette in 2020 so far. Which clearly needs to be rectified right? Yeah, so I got this Huda Beauty eyeshadow palette that I had my eye on about 9 months ago since it was on sale. I'm actually pretty fussy about what gets into my makeup supply arsenal because I like to maximize the use of my items. Because of the hot and humid weather in Singapore, things don't last very long. They either dry out or get mouldy. 

What about you? What's new in your life?


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

We have to be picky about Brookie's makeup because of her skin condition -- we bought her makeup wipes one time that said they were hypoallergenic ... and ummmmmm ended up rushing her to the hospital cause she was allergic to something in them ... lesson learned! LOL!! And I did NOT know that about tea towels!! Good to know!

2 Lizzyc said...

oh good purchases... I havent gotten much new this year just because things have been a bit tighter.. with the virus etc.. and i have been keeping out of the scrap shops.. very dangerous!! haha! I am trying to use up the stash i have.. have not made a dent in it yet! I did buy two pairs of jeans before winter and have been wearing them a lot this winter... keep well!

3 Cindy deRosier said...

I've been baking bread all my life (was a state breadbaking champ as a teen and won a trip to Chicago) and have never heard about washing bread towels separately without soap! It's not a bad idea, but I've never had any issues. Of course, that could have to do with water hardness, choice of soap, scent level, etc. Very interesting!

I haven't bought anything new in forever, other than food. We've been getting a mystery produce basket from the local farm that has been full of surprises, so that's satisfying my urge to new stuff fairly well.

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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