
Workspace Wednesday - an eye sketch


Happy Wednesday friends! Today I am sharing an eye sketch.  

I'm slowly getting back into the groove of drawing in my sketchbook again. I miss sitting in a cafe, sipping tea and spending some tine just working away on my drawings. It was my form of meditation. While we are allowed to dine out right now, we are not supposed to linger in the eateries for too long (as a precautionary measure).

Now art-on-the-go is me drawing at my dining table while something is simmering on the stove or baking in the oven.*winks* 

What about you? What do you miss most about pre-COVID 19 days?


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1 Lizzyc said...

Oh this eye looks amazing.. especially the shine.. and what do I miss... I guess being able to sit and chat with friends while eating out and not having to worry about others not keeping their distance.. going shopping and not having to look for the cross on the floor where we are sposed to stand and just the feeling of being carefree.. not as care free anymore..

2 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I miss a VACATION!!!! I just said to Brian last night, that we literally have gone nowhere this year! Not even a day trip! I love the eye ... that looks amazing!

3 Cindy deRosier said...

I miss traveling. We had to cancel three planned trips. I miss my family - each of the planned trips would have been with some combination of my parents, sister's family, cousins, etc. who I haven't seen in a year. I miss eating in restaurants (still can't do that). I miss browsing in stores. I miss seeing friends in person. I miss having people over.

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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