
Workspace Wednesday - current faves August 2020

It's been a while since I last shared my current faves. :) First up is my recipe planner. With all the stay-at-home cooking I have been doing, the recipe planner has been filling up really nicely. Every time I add a new recipe page, I flip through the rest of the pages to see how far I've come in my cooking journey and I'm really proud of myself. :)

Workspace Wednesday - current faves August 2020

Of course, you all know that my latest obsession is sourdough. Thank goodness I have a cousin who started the journey much earlier than me and she can understand my obsession with anything sourdough. Earlier this week, I texted her that I needed a bread intervention because my freezer has been filled with my sourdough experiments (The waiting time is so long so I always make 2 loaves - one to eat and the other to freeze), And it's only been 5 weeks since I baked my first 2 loaves of sourdough bread. *LOL* 

Yeah, when I am passionate about something, I go all out. Pictured is this week's first go at a sandwich loaf. And you know how I am about NOT wasting anything right? I don't actually have any sourdough discard, I use everything. If I have extra fed starter, I will scour the web to find recipes to use that up. Oh yes, sourdough pancakes are nephew #1's current fave snack.

As for art supplies, I've been really into portrait drawing with my Derwent pastel pencils. I love how blendable they are and how quickly they can be used to achieve a realistic portrait. My goal is to draw my family members and set up a gallery wall in the living room. :)

Speaking of current faves, I must also include art supplies for the face...well more specifically for the eyes..since the whole mask-wearing need is putting more emphasis on the eyes. *winks* These Natasha Denona palettes are my current faves. Never mind that I only wear makeup like 1 day a week or occasionally 2, I always find myself gravitating to these 2 palettes because I'm such a colour junkie.

There you have current faves. What about you? 


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

That bread looks so yummy!!! Brookie is obsessed with makeup too! We even had to buy her a vanity for her room, because she had too much stuff for the bathroom she shares with Adam! LOL!!!

2 Audrey Pettit said...

LOVE this post! It's so fun to see your current favorites and see what you've been up to recently. Your bread looks amazing! I am so scared of anything with yeast, and here you are a professional bread maker after so few weeks. And holy cow, your portraits are stunning! Such fabulous likenesses! Cannot wait to see your completed gallery wall. Love your makeup palettes, too. I am so lazy these days.... hardly ever wear makeup anymore. :)

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4 Cindy deRosier said...

I can't wait to see the rest of your family members' portraits! I've been baking up a storm. I really should make a 'Quarantine Cooking' layout...

5 Lynn said...

Your sourdough bread is so yummy looking. I agree that eye makeup is vital in these mask-wearing days. Lipstick smudges on the inside of my mask are disgusting. Thanks for sharing your life with blogland.

6 Lizzyc said...

Your faces look amazing, the bread looks yummy and soft and yes colors make the world a more pretty place!!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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