
Wishing you a happy day...life update

Wishing you a happy day friends...wherever you are in the world. :)

A quick life update with the Covid-19 situation in Singapore.

We are on Day 43 (initially was supposed to be 28 days) on our 56 day lockdown (badly coined as Circuit Breaker because our Health Minister is not a medical doctor but an engineer..*insert puzzling music*). Two weeks into the lockdown, we saw stricter measures imposed and the re-classification of what the government deemed as essential services. Which meant that people could no longer get haircuts or visit Traditional Chinese Medicine centres for pain relief. Those restrictions eased last week and people are finally looking human again and dogs no longer have to deal with bad hair days too. *LOL*

Students had online classes till May 4th because that was when the initial lockdown was supposed to end. Instead of heading back to school, the government pulled the month-long June school holidays into the month of May so students head back to school on June 2 instead. So basically parents who have to work from work also have to deal with their noisy kids stuck at home...not the most ideal situation. Nephew #1 has been counting the days when he can go back to school to meet his friends!

Just a quick card today...using some bits and bobs from happy mail. And yes, I actually "stamped" the sentiment on the card (in my bid to use or trash my supplies..*winks*).

Tell me what's going on in your corner of the world.


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Good... or bad ... not sure yet, but here it is back to normal -- which I think is gonna put us back to square one ... but that is my opinion -- public pools are open again, salons, restaurants, etc.... the only thing that didn't go back is schools .... I loveeeeee this! LOVING all that pink!! :)

2 Cindy deRosier said...

Thank you for the update! We're still locked down here in California, with just a few things starting to reopen. I'm very glad that we're taking things slowly and worry about friends in other states whose leaders are rushing to open things without taking the appropriate caution.

3 Lynn said...

Such a lovely vintage-looking card. It would be a good coupon holder too. Love the colors you chose. Here in Hawaii things are returning to normal but there are still a lot of restrictions and everyone has to wear those horrible masks. I feel sorry for all the restaurant owners and yet I have very little desire to eat out in a half empty restaurant with shields everywhere. I fear that all the little businesses in Hawaii will collapse because of all the restrictions and we will be left with only big boxes. :{

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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