
Give everything a go - kitchen adventures part 2

Last Tuesday I shared my kitchen adventures when at home. Here is kitchen adventures part 2!

So what did I make?

1. Creme caramel
2. Cloud eggs
3. Basque burnt cheesecake
4. Pineapple upside down cake

They were pretty successful first-try attempts even though I must say that I did almost give up on the creme caramel because it just wouldn't set in the oven at the temperature and time suggested by the recipes on several sites. So I added more boiling water to the roasting pan and cranked up the temperature by a lot and it worked!

So I may have gone overboard with the fussy-cutting on this layout...but I was on a roll! And don't ask why The Scarecrow and Tin Man are on my layout because I don't know either...just my usual mish mash of seemingly disparate elements thrown together to create a somewhat cohesive layout? *LOL*

There are so many more new-to-me recipes that I want to try in the next few weeks while stuck at home but these would be dependent on the supply availability of ingredients. Supermarkets were out of cream for a month and flour for 3 weeks. I usually buy organic for my baking but those have been out for maybe 5 weeks so I just make do with what I can get my hands on. My oven is living its best life. *winks*

What about you? Are you getting creative in the kitchen with the bit of extra time you have now that we are all social distancing?


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

HA!!! I was WONDERING why they were on here! LOL!! Actually, what I REALLY thought was ... I still have those papers too (along with the Alice tea set one in the corner!) LOL!!! I loveeeeeeee this!! So FUN!!

2 Cindy deRosier said...

I didn't give it a second thought that the Scarecrow and Tin Man were on your layout. You've trained me that embellishments don't have to be literal to go on a layout, lol!

Your food looks GREAT. I'll happily take one of each! Our kitchen has been in overdrive with social distancing. I'll probably do a layout eventually.

3 Lynn said...

Oh my gosh, your food looks delicious! I think the tin man and scarecrow match with the tea set so it all works together in the layout. I've been doing a bit more cooking/baking but only tweaking the ingredients so I don't have failures and waste the precious flour. By the time the markets have flour, I'll be able to go to the bakery again.

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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