
Stay at home reorganization - the makeup edition

So your gal here finally got down to de-potting her eyeshadows from those odd-sized/shaped and mini eyeshadow palettes...despite having gotten those empty magnetic palettes months ago. *ahem..the gal is lazy*

But nothing to get things going than an unfortunate accident with some of her eyeshadow palettes while cleaning. Yep...the klutz dropped them on the floor, decimating some completely. *sad music plays in the background*

Part of the reason why I wanted to depot the eyeshadows was because I was tapping into 4-5 palettes each time I did my eye makeup (I like to challenge myself not to repeat looks) and sometimes it can get pretty messy in the morning rush. Since I wasn't "attached" to the colour story of each palette, it made more sense for me to reorganize them in a way that I would use them. And I could change them up whenever I get bored.

I know the eyeshadow pans don't really "fit" symmetrically but I'll just leave them as they are for now. I look forward to wearing eye makeup again. Which is looking like sometime in July I reckon.

What have you reorganized since we are spending more time at home?


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

That is awesome that you organized them that way! If I could only get Brookie to even clean her vanity in her room, I'd be lucky! LOL!!!

2 Cindy deRosier said...

I spent most of yesterday reorganizing the puzzles, board games, and cookbooks. We'd moved them from their logical locations when Trevor was a toddler getting into everything, got used to them in their new locations, and never gave it a second thought! Trevor has been going through toys and games to donate those he doesn't use anymore and that was the perfect chance to switch everything back to their original locations.

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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