
Another week of food adventures in my kitchen

Well friends, it's been another week of food adventures in my kitchen! :)

Pretty happy with how everything turned out...:)

I made:

1. Hokkaido Milk Bread
2. Kueh Dadar (pandan crepe with grated coconut filling)
3.Cinnamon twists
4. Madeleines

Cooking/baking while being stuck at home has kept me somewhat sane. There's something about measuring ingredients and watching chemistry happen between them in the different cooking methods...really appeals to the nerdy side of me. I watch multiple videos, read comments, research potential pittfalls before going in with the confidence of maximum success. That's the way I roll. *LOL*

Playing along with Let's Get Sketchy.


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Love love love this! LOVING the numbers on the photos, the 'once upon a time' and the food looks YUM!!!!

2 Lynn said...

Yummy dishes! The cinnamon twists look delicious. I am going to try a recipe for Hokaido Milk Bread because your bread looks so good.

3 Cindy deRosier said...

LOVE this page and I'll take one of everything!

4 Brenda's Scrap Place said...

Great page and looks so yummy. Thanks for joining in with us at Let's Get Sketchy this month.

5 Chieko said...

The layout looks so delicious and stylish! Thank you for joining us at LGS!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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