
CNY 2020 dessert table

Photo courtesy of Tim Isaac

So I baked a ton this CNY - all the auspicious-sounding cookies/tarts/cakes for luck/prosperity. Here's a pic of my dessert table (that my cousin-in-law took before anyone "attacked" the food.) with just some of the stuff I baked (because there wasn't enough space to put everything. *LOL*).

In case you were wondering, I baked:
1. Pineapple tarts
2. Peanut cookies
3. Almond cookies
4. Chocolate chip cookies (using Julie's recipe..thanks sweet friend!)
5. Green tea white chocolate cookies
6. Almond tuile
7. Mango cheesecake
8. Pineapple frangipane tart
9. XO fruitcake

Yep...the KitchenAid mixer and oven worked really hard for me. *winks*


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Alright!!! Give it UP!!! Did you like/love/hate them?!?!? Everything looks so YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 Cindy deRosier said...

I'll take one of each, please!

3 Lynn said...

Can you adopt me every Chinese New Year? I will be the perfect taste tester!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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