
A page from the recipe planner - Guiness chocolate cake

So Nigella Lawson's Guiness Chocolate Cake is the Yam family's current fave chocolate cake until the family baker (aka me) finds another winning recipe. I've made it 3 times in Nov/Dec 2019. Twice with cream cheese frosting. And once with chocolate buttercream frosting.

The cake is damp and rich and very chocolatey. I did make an adjustment to the sugar content for the recipe because I don't like my cakes too sweet. Especially cakes that are served with frosting. (Personally, I find that you can reduce the sugar by at least 1/3 without compromising the integrity of the final cake.)

My sister was pretty excited about her Guiness Chocolate Cake with chocolate buttercream frosting. She actually asked me to take a photo of her with the cake (yep, I didn't even have to ask!)...which was perfect for my recipe planner. *LOL*

Do you have a fave chocolate cake recipe? Share it with me! ;)


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

YUMMMMMMMMMM!!!!! I love her face in that photo.... you can tell she definitely LOVES it too!!

2 Cindy deRosier said...

Mmmmm... sounds delicious! It's been awhile since I've made chocolate cake. I made a lemon cake a few days ago for Steve's birthday and it was awesome.

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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