
Workspace Wednesday - What my sister bought me from her European vacay


So my sister is back from her 2 week European vacation (Paris & Milan) and here are the things she bought me. (I know you want to know...*winks*)

Yep, I made her stop by the main Sennelier store in Paris (there are 3)...the 135 year old paint shop that invented the oil pastels for Picasso. I couldn't decide what to get (you can never have too many art supplies right? Hehehe)....but in the end, I told her to get me a box of Egg Tempera paints and the binding medium. It's just the basic set with 5 colours and my sister wanted to get me more colours (clearly the gal knows that I never just have a basic box of anything...*LOL*) but I exercised self-restraint. *applause from friends who understand* Psst..these already cost S$80. ;)

And the rest are mostly kitchen stuff. Two new pans to replace the old ones. A wooden mixing spoon and a double-ended tasting spoon. Mason jars (filled with Espresso pods for my Nespresso machine) plus extra lids...and 4 washing sponges (random fact: my sister likes to buy sponges..hahaha). All made in Italy of course.

And that my friends is what my sister bought me from her European vacay. :)

P/s: If you are curious about the places my sister visited, you can check out her YouTube channel. The gal actually edited and uploaded her trip videos every day. Okay, they are just condensed into 2 -3 minute clips but still, gotta give her credit for making the effort. 


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1 Cindy deRosier said...

Ooh, nice haul!

2 Lizzyc said...

What an interesting haul!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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