
Workspace Wednesday -another week of floral paintings to share



Well my friends, can't believe we are into the official last week of ends on Monday 23 May....and I am almost at the finishing line! (Yay! Go me! High fives all around!)


Do I paint every day? Nope. I just paint a few base paintings every other day...and then work in the details during the little pockets of time I have during the day.


It's been fun experimenting....:)


Not everything turns out pretty....


But I've been having a blast using my Holbein coloured pencils again. You may recall that I fell hard for the pencils a couple years ago when I bought a set from Japan. But since it was expensive to buy the replacement pencils outside Japan, I stopped using the pencils (so silly, right?). Now that my local art store sells them individually for a reasonable price ($3), I'm back to using them again....and falling back in love again. *romantic music plays in the background*


I try to change up the styles so that my IG feed doesn't look so boring...


But I kind of know which style I gravitate towards....


Do you know which style it is? *winks*


Let me know what you think of these floral paintings...:)


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1 Cindy deRosier said...

Love #82 the most!

2 Lizzyc said...

Well I like them all... each one is unique and each has lovely colors and flowers. I think these prints would be nice on cards ...

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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