
Workspace Wednesday: My paper goals for 2020

Hello friends! It's know,  the real start of the new year *winks*...and I want to tell you about my paper goals for 2020. Yeah, you know I'm serious about this when I include a photo of me in glasses for the optics (yeah...I'm corny like that...*LOL*).

And I literally mean my paper goals for this humongous stack of patterned paper I intend to exhaust this year. Yep. That's all that's left of my patterned papers. No more hoarding or saving that special paper for that hasn't-happened-yet-and-might-never-happen event. I'll just use the b side.

Those that I have multiples of will be reserved for double-page spreads or for decorating paper bags.

Those that are thick and double-sided will be used for my planner pages.

The thinner ones I might use as photo mats.

But I also need to tackle this monstrosity that is known paper scrap pile.

All of which resided in this single folder with multiple slots. ...that had seen slimmer days.*hehehe*
Anyway, I intend use these for mixed media collage which I want to get into in 2020.

Will I be able to tackle my paper goals for 2020???? *dramatic music plays in the background*

What are your paper goals for 2020?


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

You know I have had PAPER goals for YEARS ... and danggit ... every year gets away from me :( This year I won't make a goal, and maybe the reverse psychology will work! HA!!! A girl can dream right?!?!?!

2 Cindy deRosier said...

Super cute photo of you!

I don't really have paper goals. I have the room to store a bunch of it and I like having what I need on hand, so I'm fine with the status quo. My goals are more about getting photos into the album than reducing the product stash.

3 Katy said...

I have had paper goals in the past-like 50 scrapbook pages or 30 cards. I just want to use stuff up. I have paper from the early 2000's and you can tell! LOL I haven't done anything specific yet except to stop buying pattern paper. (I think I have enough to circle the earth a couple of time)LOL

4 Lynn said...

I don't make paper goals because I know that I won't achieve them. I'm a hoarder and I accept that flaw. I apologise to my kids in advance of the big clean up after my demise.

5 Empire of the Cat said...

lol paper goals, had to click through from your MTW entry when I saw that. I have general goals to not buy any more paper this year but we will see how long that lasts lol

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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