
Meet my new desk by the window


Meet my new desk by the window! Yep, last week I was working on a makeshift plastic chest of drawers on a chair by the window and now I have a real working space by the window.

It took a while to get here though. I bought a used desk with removable legs but one of the legs was damaged so the desk was really wobbly. I tried to fix it with all kinds of glue. Even the bestie tried. But after 2 weeks, we decided to give up. So much time and effort wasted. 

The seller did a 50% refund so the table top cost S$7.50. Since the desk size  work for my constrained area, I decided to mount it on a used bar stool that I paid S$10 for last year. I used 3M mounting tape which is pretty strong but removable. Plus the height of the bar stool can be adjusted too.  Not too bad for a S$17.50 "investment". *LOL*

It would have been so much easier to buy something new but your gal is trying to be eco-friendly. *winks(

Yesterday I did a test-drive on my new desk...and started on a baby portrait. :)

Made a little more progress this morning....LOVE the natural bright light I get in the morning at my new desk by the window. :)

Happy weekend friends! :)


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1 Cindy deRosier said...

Great job combining two pieces to make a cool new desk!

2 Lizzyc said...

I love natural light.. much better I reckon.. and a sweet baby face..

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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