
What's new in my life - kitchen additions


With all the home cooking I've been doing, I have added to my kitchen arsenal! You know, to facilitate ease of cooking. *winks*

So I've always wanted a handheld blender after watching all the cooking shows. But I have my own food processor and blender (mum has her own...we are territorial about our appliances..hehe) so it wasn't a necessity but really a want. Seriously though, no regrets with this purchase. Perfect for making roasted vegetable soups and pasta sauce. I use it more than my food processor (shh...don't tell her) because let's face it, cleanup is soooooo much easier. *LOL*

I also officially bought my first kitchen knife. When you do cooking sporadically, you make do with whatever is available. When you have to do it multiple times a day, you get your own. Even my sister has her own utility knife (specifically for cutting fruits). Personally, I never knew that knives could be so pricey..especially those high-end ones made in Germany and Japan. Let me get more proficient in my cooking before we look into those options...*winks*

I did get myself an instant read digital food thermometer. Because expensive cuts of steaks could be totally ruined over-cooking by one degree. Yep, all my meat gets probed!Hahaha!

Of course, with all the baking, I had to get a fancy whisk and dough scraper. The cheap ones just come apart so quickly. 

I did get some value-for-money palette knives for cake decorating because these were the only types available at the store. I'm not quite sure if fancy cake decorating is in my future because carrying the cake in and out of the freezer to set each layer is such a pain. *winks*

Anyway, these are my kitchen additions over the last few months. Have you added to your kitchen arsenal?


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Hmmmmmm... I recently bought a new stockpot ... does that count? ;) Loving the goodies you got!

2 Cindy deRosier said...

I LOVE my immersion blender. I use it at least once a week when the weather is cool enough for soup. I don't think I have any new kitchen equipment... but I have a few fun kitchen items on my Christmas wishlist.

3 Lynn said...

I haven't used my immersion blender much but I think I need to make some soup....maybe pumpkin. I love my Cuisinart cheap at Ross.

4 Lizzyc said...

Well no i havent bought anything lately.. I did get a really good heavy base fry pan to put on the stove top a few weeks ago and it does cook the steak and snags really well.. any yet to try pikelets.. all your new toys look great.. and i have a hand held blender and use it for soups in the winter. so yes it is something very useful! enjoy your cooking!

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