When I started gardening a few years ago, I didn't plant any flowering plants, just some leafy ones. I love flowers but didn't like how they bloomed for such a short while, then withered and died ugly. It reflected my life too. I was contented but uninspired. Then I got a flowering plant and I got a taste of how fulfilling it was to tend to a flowering plant and watch it bloom. When the flowers withered and all that was left were the leaves, I continued to nurture the plant with the hope that it would bloom again. In the process, I have killed many plants by overdoing everything...too much water, too much sunlight, too much fertilizer. I learned to let go a little but still held on to the belief that they would bloom. Eventually they did, over and over again, providing many repeated moments of self fulfillment. :) Happiness is like a blooming flower. You must believe that you deserve it. And you must work hard for it. You won't always enjoy it but it's worth the effort. Now I go around planting flowering seeds. Are you doing the same?
Inspired by Inch by Inch Art.
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Inspired by Inch by Inch Art.