
Happy day

Supplies: Patterned paper: October Afternoon, Cardstock: Bazzill, Letter brad: EK Success, Stickers: Toga, Felt leaves: Queen & Co, Wood letter: Kaiser Craft, Others: Red paint, white pen.

I believe in the power of visualization and affirmation. Do you?

We see things we want to see. Even when others don't see the same things. It is good if we can visualize the happy things that we want in life. It is bad if we dwell too much on the unhappy past. There's nothing we can do about the past but our future is certainly in our hands. I choose to have a happy day. Everyday. I hope you do too. :)

Inspired by Sunday Scribblings & Card Patterns. Pin It


1 gautami tripathy said...

Loved that card. Wonderful. Good thoughts too..

stolen from the air

2 Jeeves said...

Very well said. Even I have started believing in happiness.

3 JP/deb said...

Beautiful card, beautiful art. I too believe in the power of visualization!


4 quin browne said...

i am discovering this.

every night, i write what i want, i hold that vision in my head.


5 Shari said...

The card is gorgeous. I do believe in the power of thinking positive thoughts and visualization. Great take on the prompt.

6 whoistracy said...

This is adorable!! I love those little felt leaves and the animals. What a creative take on the sketch.

7 Dee Martin said...

Lovely card. I heard a saying once - "you can't always control your circumstances but you can always control your attitude toward your circumstances."

Your way says it nicer :)

8 Unknown said...

i love the card...very nice

9 Julie said...

gorgeous card and love the lorie photo too.

Thanks for popping by the shaby blog and linking us up

10 Tamaroo said...

Love that paper!

11 Juhi said...

Very pretty card Yvonne,it conveys the thought so well!

12 AUsome mom said...

Fabulous card and I LOVE your blog header! :)

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Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.

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