How many pairs of scissors does one really need?
The other day, my sister came into my room and remarked, "Why do you need so many pairs of scissors?"
Good question. I have one pair of scissors strictly for cutting fabric, I have another pair just for cutting labels and tags. One for stickers. One for real precision cutting. One for cutting plastic stuff. One for general stuff. One for really thick stuff. One for paper. One for threads. One I have had since I was a kid. One came free in a stationery set. Is that too many?
How many pairs do you have?
Inspired by Ruby Tuesday. Pin It
Um, I'm thinking maybe not enough! :)
Clever shot - glad some of them were red!
My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.
So clever! all in one place, better than me. I had a lot also. But can never find those Paper cutting one,lol happy RT
Answer: Never enough. I can never find a pair when I need them.
Not that many, but they are so colorful... tell her that you use them as a decoration for the room!
What a sweet, clever photo. I've only got two pairs of scissors. Could definitely use more.
I have one pair of scissors. And can never find them.
Interesting theme.
I've never thought about just how many pairs of scissors I've got. They are not so shiny and multicolored as yours, that's for sure.
I have one for cutting hair, one for for cutting herbs, one for paper, a tiny, pointy pair of embroidery
scissors, one for cutting fabric, and that's about it.
They are spread all over the house and are never where they should be.
I will not even try to keep them assembled. I know they somehow will find their way out in the homeisphere.
From Felisol
hello! i have about 7 pair. all different colors and sizes. my favorite is my cooking scissors. scissors is a must have. i wanted to say thank you for your kind birthday wish. thank you! i hope you have a lovely day!
God Bless,
i have 3, one for my office, one for my frustrating hair days (used THOSE yesterday) and one pair in the kitchen :)
Ah ... when I taught school I had MANY scissors on my desk but these days I have just one pair on my desk and another upstairs because they no longer disappear mysteriously ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
I love your colourful scissor collection! I think I have about half a dozen pairs of scissors, all for different purposes :)
Lol! I just clicked the link in your blogging comments post, so I could read your scissor post and here I am again! I already read it and enjoyed it and commented before :)
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Cheers, Yvonne.