
Birds eating papayas

One of my favourite fruits is the papaya. Red, sweet and juicy and packed with loads of antioxidants. My bestie thinks it's bird food. This is a picture of some birds eating papayas at the bird park. Can you see them? And what's left of the papayas? :)

Inspired by Ruby Tuesday. Pin It


1 Auntie E said...

Papayas are so sweet indeed.Where is this park? Happy Ruby Tuesday

2 Melli said...

Mmmm! I LOVE papaya too! I never thought about putting it out for the birds though! TOO EXPENSIVE! I can barely afford it for ME!

3 SouthLakesMom said...

Fascinating! Do you know what kind of birds these are?

4 srp said...

Oh my! As expensive as those are here, I would keep them for myself and give the birds some seed. These make my mouth water.

5 Mary Bergfeld said...

What an interesting photo. Just the perfect accent of red. Have a wonderful day.

6 adrienia said...

for me its papaya a day , keeps the doctor away :-)

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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