
Workspace Wednesday - Behind the scenes of pastry-making *LOL*


Well-meaning friends and relatives when eating my baked goods: "You should totally open a bakery. This is really good. " 

Me: *smiles* while recalling how this frangipane peach tart looked like just hours ago...

You know how on YouTube, every baker rolls out the perfect tart shell and transfers it to the tart tin effortlessly?

Well, this was my first attempt. For this tart. 

I mean, I've tried the roll the dough on the rolling pin and unroll it perfectly into the tart tin method. Apparently, I do not own said magic rolling pin because the dough sticks to the rolling pin and "dies" halfway through the roll and I have to start over.

And this was my much much better second attempt which I went with..because more attempts would require the dough to rest in the refrigerator again *nobody got time for that...*LOL*

My method is to roll the dough on a silicone mat, then flip the mat over the tart tin and hope that most of the dough lands in the right spot. And then add dough to patch the "holes". 

So now you know that my pastry dough is mostly patch-worked to completion. Hahaha! 

The actual baked tart holds up well even after cutting them into slices (Yam family members actually eat the tart pieces with their hands because getting a fork would mean they need to wash the fork *too much effort*) so I think the recipe is not the problem. I probably need to work on my technique of rolling. 

Happy Wednesday friends! 


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

It looks DELISH!!!! And I watch all those baking competition shows and even the pros have issues with tarts!! LOL!! So .... yes, you could be a pro! :)

2 Cindy deRosier said...

LOL. It takes practice and good luck. And in the case of the YouTubers, it probably takes good editing skills. Your tart looks amazing.

3 Lynn said...

Don't worry about your tart shell dough. They almost always need patching unless you're Martha Stewart. The fact that the finished product looks so yummy is a testament to your baking skills. I've only made pear frangipane tarts but now I want to try a peach one. I love peaches more than pears.

4 Lizzyc said...

Your finished tart looks really yummy! And I have a love/hate relationship with pastry too.. I find the way that works for me is to have plenty of flour on the rolling mat (I use a plastic mat) and roll out the size you need and put the tart tray upside down on the pastry and gently turn it all upside right and slowly peel the mat off the pastry and it falls into the tart pan.. yes sometimes it flops but mostly i get enough pastry on the base and just pop bits of the pastry you cut off into the gaps.. I hope that makes sense.. but you really are a great cook!!

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