
What's Up Wednesday - an update

Hello friends! Just a quick card to share today...made with scraps of course. :)

Let's play catchup. What's up in your end of the world? Is life back to the "new normal"?

We just got news that Singapore will move into Phase 2 on Friday 19 June...when most activities will resume with restrictions. We can finally dine out but only in groups of 5. You can also visit friends and family but in groups of 5. Which means my brother can't bring his whole family of 6 out but his family can come over (since nephew #1 technically lives with us)...*winks* In case you were wondering, everything is enforceable by law. If you get caught for violations, you have to pay a fine/go to jail.

Retail outlets can open but cannot have any sales or promotions for the first 2 weeks to prevent people from flocking to shopping centres for bargains (yes, our government is very specific). Work from home continues to be the default if possible...which means you can go practically everywhere now but your office. Which also means that eateries around office buildings will be swatting flies for the next few weeks/months. *LOL*

Unfortunately nobody in Singapore is going to be catching a movie at the cinema or visiting the library because those activities are part of Phase 3. :(

But I'm so looking forward to dining out! Tell me what's happening in your end of the world.


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

We reopened almost 100% and now are the laughing stock and 'example' (not in a good way) for all the other states that have remained close, as our COVID numbers exploded once we reopened. :( Some say it's because we now have actually testing kits, some say it is because we reopened too soon ... I still am doing what I have been doing since the beginning ... so no changes for me. I loveeeeeeeeeee that card! So fun! Loving the colors!

2 Cindy deRosier said...

Things are starting to open up here, but with all sorts of restrictions. I love the idea of forbidding sales to prevent flocking for bargains - that was a big problem here when stores reopened. We're continuing to stay home as much as possible. It's just not worth the risk to us.

3 Lynn said...

That's a great card. Love the look and sentiment. Your last post was good too. Hawaii is slowly opening. We can now travel inter-island without quarantining for 14 days. Traveling to another state still requires 14 days at home when you return so we are not traveling out of state anytime soon.

4 Lizzyc said...

Such a cute card!! Australia is slowly opening up but Queensland is still closed to all other states.. we are able to go to cafes etc but have distancing in place.. there are lifting of restrictions for funerals now can have 100 people.. People in aged care can have visitors now and most shops are open eg clothing stores but limits on how many people can be in the store.. Lots of hand sanitation stations around the stores and thankfully the shelves are mostly full now of toilet paper pasta and rice and cleaning products.. We had some bare shelves for a while and limits on how many you could buy at once.. We are supposed to keep distance in shopping centres but people do crowd and walk towards you without moving.. so hopefully we wont get a second wave. life may get back to a bit like it used to be but it will never be the same.... take care..

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