
How to incorporate washi tape like a pro on your creative projects

Washi tape...we all have them but probably don't use them as much as we can. Here's how to incorporate washi tape like a pro on your creative projects. :)

This kid (Nephew #1) drives me nuts...sometimes

1. Create a graphic border.

Sure, you could probably cut some patterned paper and use that as a graphic border. But washi tape is much faster...and no glue needed. Plus, it adds another layer of secure adhesive for your project (we all know acid-free dry adhesive is not that fantastic right? *winks*).

Lunch at My Melody Cafe

2. Treat it like a mat and lay other elements on it.

Washi tape can serve as a great mat to lay other embellishments on...like your titlework. :)

My last project for The Crafter's Workshop

3. Use it to cover up blank spaces on your journal spread.

Cover up blank spaces on your journal spread with a mix of washi tape for a great design element to help guide the eye across the pages.

The washi tape obsession

4. Use it for your journaling.

The plain washi tapes are great for adding little bits of your journalling on your layout.

The one with the messy background

5. Treat it like patterned paper.

Don't have a piece of patterned paper to coordinate with your layout? Check out your washi tape collection...and you instantly have a gazillion more to use as "patterned paper".

Upcycled washi tape covered plastic bottle
Thank you friends!

6. Wrap your project with washi tape.

It is notoriously hard to wrap paper around a cylindrical object...sometimes it doesn't stick well or you get air bubbles. Washi tape to the rescue! :)

There you have it...some fun ways to incorporate washi tape like a pro on your creative projects. What is your fave way of using washi tape?


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1 Lisa said...

You use washi so creatively!! I have a ton of it and I never use it...don't know why!! Thanks for the awesome tips!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

2 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I have a LITERAL shelf FULL of washi and NEVER use it! LOL!! I loveeeeeeeee how you used them on these projects! You are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 Cindy deRosier said...

Great ideas! I covered a frame with washi tape once and it turns out really cool.

4 Lynn said...

Oh yeah! Washi tape is the greatest thing since sliced bread and it has no calories! Thanks for all the grand ideas for washi tape!

5 Lizzyc said...

Fabulous tips, but I use a bit of glue as sometimes the washi does lift off my layout..

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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