
The one about meeting the gal friend


Last month, I met up with nephew #1's gal friend. 

They are more than friends but not quite officially a couple because they want to wait till after the A-level exams are over (last day 1 Dec).

We went to a Starbucks near their school. It was nephew #1's first time eating at a Starbucks (It is very expensive here....what you see on the table plus 2 hot chocolate cost well over $50).

Can you tell that I actually printed 2 photos and lined them up to form a larger photo? This is what happens when you have a photo printer that only prints square photos. I do have a full-size colour printer but I'm out of ink cartridges...*LOL*

Since this happened in October, I took the opportunity to use some of my Halloween stash (we don't celebrate it here) in a subtle way...*winks*

Ps: Happy Thanksgiving to my US friends!


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1 Lynn said...

Very cute layout and couple. Does your nephew know that he is out there in cyber space being viewed by all your fans? :Love all the little sweet details!

2 Lizzyc said...

ohhh how lovely! young love is so cute! love the design!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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