
Workspace Wednesday - watercolour abstract florals


I have been really good so far with the watercolour practice....3 days in a row! *high fives all around* This was this morning's 20 minute messy practice. :)

Just saw that this year's #the100dayproject will be staring on February 13. Not sure what I want to do this year though...should I do watercolour florals? Or portraits? So far, I've only successfully completed the challenge 2x and both times, I did mixed media eye paintings/drawings. 

Any suggestions for something fun that I could do for 100 days without getting bored (and losing momentum)?


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1 Cindy deRosier said...

That's a tough question. Watercolor florals or portraits would both be fun, but 100 days is a lot. You've completely mastered eyes, so I think you should choose something else for this. Could you do 100 days of non-eye body parts? That way, you can spend time on hands until you're bored, then switch to lips or ears or something.

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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