
This week's super quick Christmas box

How about a super quick Christmas box today? Like 5 minutes? *winks*

I started off with this black YSL box. Since the rest of the box was plain black, I cut a piece of plaid patterned paper just for the top of the box, ran it through my trusty Xyron creative station for an even layer of adhesive, then glued it on the box.

Then I just went in with some vintage Christmas stickers to jazz it up a little. 

The main sticker was long enough to drape over the sides of the box which made it appear more "sophisticated" than it actually was. *hahaha*

I finished by glueing on some bling for that extra sparkle.

There you have it...a super quick Christmas box. Perfect for the person who just heads straight to open the box without admiring your gift-wrapping effort....we all have some of those people in our lives, eh? *LOL*

Happy weekend friends!


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1 Cindy deRosier said...

Love it! It's funny, but draping the sticker DOES make it look more sophisticated.

2 Lynn said...

I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE what you did with this box. The simple style makes it look elegant and sophisticated. I'm going to start making Xmas gift boxes now. Thanks for getting the holiday decorating juices flowing.

3 Lizzyc said...


4 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

This is gorgeous!! LOVING that Santa!!!!

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