
From the recipe planner: Banana bread

Personally, I LOVE the smell of banana bread baking in the oven. It makes me happy. :)

Such a simple thing to bake and everyone at home loves it so I usually bake two tin loaves at a time.

Lots of people use leftover overripe bananas for their banana bread but not me. I actually have to specially go out to buy bananas for my banana bread because we have banana robbers at home. The only time you can find unstolen bananas at home is when they are unripe. Which means like half a day or so (Singapore is hot and humid.) *LOL*

My recipe is adapted from an Anna Olson recipe which uses melted butter. I use a lot less sugar and add in walnuts and chia seeds. Which is what I tend to do in most recipes...use less sugar and throw in some healthy stuff...you know, less sinful. *that's my story and I'm sticking to it!*

What about you? Do you enjoy banana bread?


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1 Lisa said...

Beautiful recipe card and the banana bread looks amazingly delish!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

2 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I love banana bread, but have never made it! Bananas go quick in my house too (by me eating them! LOL!) LOVING this page!!!!!

3 Karenliz Henderson said...

Yvonne, I love this idea of a recipe planner. I hate to cook and I think hate isn't a strong enough word! I do have a few recipes that I do like to cook and constantly search for in the drawer of recipes. This might be a great idea for me. Thanks for the inspiration!!!

4 Cindy deRosier said...

I used to make banana bread to deal with overripe bananas... and then we got a rabbit who LOVES bananas. No more overripe bananas in the house!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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