
Current obsession: the Holbein Artist Colored Pencil


So my latest art supply obsession is the Holbein Artist Colored Pencil...*winks*

I splurged on a set of 24 on a recent trip to Japan and wished I had sprung for the 150 set because I LOVE them so much (they are pricey outside Japan *insert sad face*). They are the perfect in-between compared to the Prismacolor pencils (which are soft and very fragile) and the Faber Castell Polychromos (which are harder because they are oil-based). The colours are nicely pigmented, blend easily and are lightfast. They are sold in sets of 12, 24, 36, 50, 100 and 150 and also available individually. I got mine from Sekaido in Shinjuku, Tokyo.

Here is the first eye I drew with the Holbein Artist Colored Pencil.

Here is a quick 5 minute sketch I did with them.

Coloured pencil application takes time and a lot of layers (like 10 -15 to create a "painted" finish) but it's a less messy art supply to carry around when you are travelling. Here is the in-progress shot of the eye in the first picture which I started while waiting for my flight at the airport. 

It's weird that I'm obsessed with coloured pencils now as an adult. I wasn't when I was a child. I was busy making clothes for my Barbie. *LOL*

What about you? What is your current art supply obsession?


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Brookie is OBSESSED with coloring now! She has Prisma ... will have to check these out for her! LOVING those drawings! GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!

2 Lisa said...

Oh wow!! You have truly mastered drawing eyes!! These are stunning!! I have the entire set of Prismacolor pencils and I rarely use them. I'm not good at coloring at all!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

3 Cindy deRosier said...

You've officially mastered the eye. Amazing job.

4 Lynn said...

Gosh, your drawings just get better and better. Now with the new color pencils they seem even more amazing. I will keep an 'eye' out for the Holbein pencils when I travel to Japan. I doubt that they will improve my drawing skills but I can always hope *wink* !

5 Audrey Pettit said...

Holy Wow, Wow, WOW! Your drawings are just SO amazing, Yvonne! You just put so much soul into your eye drawings that absolutely blows me away!

6 Karon said...

These are fabulous - the colours of the eye are amazing! TFS

7 Nauman Khalid said...

WOW...You've officially mastered the eye. Amazing job.

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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