
The overdone card


Meet my super overdone card. was one of those days when Murphy's Law was in play and everything I tried was a bad idea....*LOL*

So I had to keep adding stuff to "cover up" my mistakes...

And very soon, there wasn't any more space to add stuff! *insert laughter*

Playing along with The Mixed Media Card Challenge.


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1 Lisa said...

Well you certainly can't tell you had any trouble making it - it's spectacular!! I love the texture and the details!! It's stunning my friend!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

2 Lynn said...

I really don't think this card is overdone. Maybe I'm just an over-the-top kind of girl. You do what I do....keep adding until it's more will fit... but yours always looks like one I WISH I made!

3 Cindy deRosier said...

No more things fit - sounds like a good way to know when you're done! Looks good to me!

4 Suman Pandit said...

This is stunning my friend one would know if you don't seriously,I love this esp the color and the glittery textured middle !!

5 Hussena said...

Love that frilly lace and the textures. It's an amazing card, Yvonne :)

6 SD pooja said...

I totally agree with Lisa ! Doesn't look overdone in fact I was marvelling at the way you have combined various elements on it,specially the textures!

7 Lizzy Hill said...

I reckon it's just perfect.... & thank goodness for mistakes....cos they turn into beauties like this!!!

8 Mitralee said...

loving the light blue with the pop of color! Rockin' card!

9 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I loveeeeeeee it and never would have guessed you had any mistakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 Audrey Pettit said...

No mistakes.... not overdone! I think this is beautiful!

11 TesaB said...

Stunning!!!! Good you made mistakes so you ended up with this beauty!!!!

12 My Paper Epiphany said...

I think they must have been happy mistakes, coz the end result is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing at the Mixed Media Card Challenge:)

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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