
When I went "shopping" in my scrap pile...


So you know I've been trying to reorganize my scrap supplies...well, the process has been slow especially since I tend to get distracted,,, and go "shopping" in my scrap pile. *winks*

But these birds are soooooo cute. Would you not stop to make some cards with these cuties? *LOL*

I am happy that I mixed and matched quite a few pieces of patterned paper...

And I confess...I made 3 more cards with those cute birdies before I went back to my reorganization of scrap supplies. :)

Happy Monday friends! 


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1 Lizzy Hill said...

They are really cute! I would most certainly get distracted by them....& isn't it NICE to increase that card pile???!!!! Looking good, Ms Yam!!

2 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Toooooooooo cute! LOVING those birds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 Cindy deRosier said...

Using the scraps is WAY better than organizing the scraps! Keep at it!

4 SD pooja said...

I loved them ,the birds are cute no wonder you were distracted !

5 Lisa said...

This is so fabulous!! The birds are absolutely adorable!! I love them!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

6 Lynn said...

Um,yes I do know what you mean. I am the queen of distraction especially if I'm organizing or cleaning up. Your card is fresh and alive with texture. Messy craftroom = creative space

7 Audrey Pettit said...

I think that's the fun of getting organized... the distraction that occurs once you re-discover all your great loot! Totally recharges the batteries, I think. LOVE your card! Those birds are so cute, and the mix of papers is awesome. Love the bit of crocheted doily, too!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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