Let's swing! features my nephew, O, having a little fun at Ikea in December 2008...(you may recall that he just celebrated his 3rd birthday earlier this month).
This was done on an 18X12 canvas. I wanted to do a double page spread but decided that this would look great on the wall (plus I just had one of these in my stash :). I took the photos in sequence but this is what happens when you don't use a tripod and you are squatting..*LOL* I aligned the bar in the photos...Just random painting and stamping on the background, ribbon and chipboard....
A big thank you to my friends Carrie and Amy for this Over The Top award...:)I have to answer the following questions with one word answers...I shall attempt with the help of

1. Where is your cell phone? Next-to-me.
2. Your hair? Layered.
3. Your mother? Korean-drama-addict
4. Your father? Tennis-enthusiast
5. Your favorite food? Spicy
6. Your dream last night? Not-suitable-for-print-in-case-kids-read-my-blog
7. Your favorite drink? Water
8. Your dream/goal? Invent-something-that-defines-the-21st-century
9. What room are you in? Bedroom
10. Your hobby? Too-many-to-list
11. Your fear? Clowns
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Living-in-Europe
13. Where were you last night? Dreamland
14. Something you aren't? Waif-like
15. Muffins? Chocolate-chip
16. Wish list item? Shhh....If-I-tell-you'd-want-one-too
17. Where did you grow up? Singapore
18. Last thing you did? Shower
19. What are you wearing? Jammies
20. Your TV? On-as-background-noise-as-I-type-this
21. Your pets? Dogs-and-fishes
22. Friends? All-over-the-world
23. Your life? Interesting
24. Your mood? Pensive
25. Missing someone? Grandpa
26. Vehicle? Red
27. Something you're not wearing? Underwear
28. Favourite store? Borders
29. Favourite colour? Blue
30. When was the last time you laughed? Today
31. Last time you cried? Last-week-when-I-fake-cried-while-being-held-captive-by-a-fire-blowing-dragon-in-a-pretend-game-with-my-nephews
32. Your best friend? Is-a-dude
33. One place I go to over and over? Library
34. Facebook? Is-a-modern-day-Pandora's-box
35. Favourite place to eat? Air-conditioned-restaurant
I would like to pass this award on to Juhi, Cindy, Melissa, Jeanet and Mirjam.