
Workspace Wednesday: new additions! *winks*

Hello friends! I was in Taipei last know, the land of cute stuff?? And as hard as I tried, I could not resist picking up some cute stuff. Can you spot them on my desk??? *winks*

I bought a LINE Friends dustbin! I got Cony - the white rabbit! Isn't she cute??? Of course, I haven't actually thrown any rubbish in it because I don't want to get her dirty! hahaha!

And a couple of cute pens! Yes...just 3!

And two cable protectors like this one.  (Yes...I love my rabbits!)

What about you? Have you added some cute stuff to your stash recently???


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

OMYGOSH!!!! Soooooooooooo cute!!!!!!

2 Lisa said...

Oh my goodness, I love them!! Cony is adorable!! And haha, you haven't used her!! Love them all!! I need to add some cute things to my craft room but I'm afraid they would get swallowed up by the incredible mess ;) Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

3 Shelly said...

Super cute!!
Oh, I'm guilty of adding more Tokidoki characters to my collections, as well as Rilakkuma, Gudetama, etc. etc. etc. I love anything and everything kawaii! ;)

4 Cindy deRosier said...

*GASP* I need that trash can! I love it so much! It fit nicely in your luggage? I'll have to see how much it costs to ship one here...

5 Audrey Pettit said...

Omgosh, cute, cute, CUTE! My daughter is a huge fan of Totoro! :D

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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