
A girl from my sketchbook


These days when I get on the plane, the first thing I do (once I'm all settled and buckled up of course!) is to flip the airline magazine and find a muse to draw on my flight.  

You know copying is not my forte (*winks*) so I just use the photo reference to guide the face shape, the placement of the eyes, the angle of the chin...etc.

Now if you have ever tried coloured pencil drawing, you would know that it takes a really really long time.  The first picture in the collage shows the progress I made on a 4.5 hour flight...including a meal, a short nap and 4 episodes of Designated Survivor. *LOL* The next few pictures shows the progress over several days. :)

What about you? What's the first thing you do when you are all seated on the plane? 


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

This first thing? Freak out of course! LOL!! I loveeeeeeee this!! Loving her brows!!!

2 SD pooja said...

Wow..I always wondered, if refere some real image while sketching n coloring !Loved it :)

3 Dr Sonia S V said...

Hats off to you ...yes color pencils do take a long time but the results are so rewarding
Dr Sonia

4 Annette Allen said...

WOW you did awesome.. a true artist.

5 Lisa said...

Wow, this is amazing!! She's so beautiful!! You are so talented, my friend!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

6 Audrey Pettit said...

The first thing? Start praying! 😆
Man, your girl is stunning!

7 Cindy deRosier said...

The first thing I do is complete the crossword puzzle in the in-flight magazine. Then I read. I've done art on planes, but only when I'm not in the middle seat, which seems like all the time nowadays. You did a fantastic job with your girl!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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