
The decorated bottle....a tutorial


I love transparent glass bottles. Their see-through nature means they don't take up a lot of visual space and offer a myriad of possibilities when it comes to decorating them. Here is a quick tutorial on how I decorated this bottle.

I started with this lovely Japanese whisky bottle [which came back with me from a recent trip because it was just tooooooooo pretty! *winks*] and removed all the labels.  

There are many ways to remove labels from bottles/jars  but using a heat gun/hair dryer is one of the fastest and least messy ways. All you need to do is move your heat source over the labels which loosens the adhesive and the labels peel right off, without leaving any of the sticky residue behind. 

Next I selected some pretty lace that would still allow me to see through the glass bottle...and adhered it with a hot glue gun. This is my choice of adhesive for this project because it dries fast and if you make a mistake like glue something on crooked, you, can just rip it off and start over again.

After that, I glued flat-back pearl strips (from Maya Road) along the top and bottom of the bottom.

Then it was time to audition embellishments for my bottle. I decided to keep to a neutral palette for classy look.

A cute resin bird tucked in under the bloom and resting on a leaf...

Stick pin leaves, pearls and bling for added texture and interest while keeping to the neutral colour palette.

I was so tempted to just keep adding embellishments at this point...*winks*

What do you think?


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1 SD pooja said...

Its Beautifully Classy !

2 Lynn said...

Oh wow! I love the project....beautiful! The tip of removing labels with a heat gun is a new one to me and definitely something I will try. Adhering lace and pearls to a bottle is also something I've never tried but will on the next stoppered bottle I am lucky enough to recycle. Mahalo (thanks)!

3 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Wow wow wowwwwwwwwwwww! This looks amazing! I loveeeeeeeeeee it!!!!!!!!!!!!

4 Lisa said...

This is absolutely stunning!! I love seeing how you put it together!! Wow!! You've inspired me to want to decorate a bottle!! Love this!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

5 Cindy deRosier said...

Very nice! 'Audition' embellishments - hee hee.

6 Dr Sonia S V said...

What a wonderful makeover Yvonne and Thank you so much for sharing the tip about removing labels...I used to slog over it with soap and water!!
Dr Sonia

7 CraftyHope said...

Nice job! Your heat gun trick with the label is interesting. I've heard all kinds of tips, but that one's a first. I'll definitely keep it in mind. Thank!

8 Lizzy Hill said...

I'd find it very hard to part with, too. It's so pretty and lovely colour palette & thanks for the hint in removing that labels. That's great to know:)

9 msmith434343 said...

Oh, it's gorgeous! Love the bottle you brought back and you decorated it so lovely! Super, Yvonne!

10 Mitralee said...

I want one just like it!!! Seriously it's super lovely! And I love it!

11 Karon said...

Stunning and great tutorial! TFS

12 Audrey Pettit said...

Wow, it's gorgeous! I love the little bird peeking out, and love all the pretty white lace and trims. Awesome tips on removing labels, too. I am so going to try that!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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