
The journey to pocket page scrapbooking....


So the key to getting started on pocket page scrapbooking is really in the album. Love this Simple Stories SN@P! 6x8 burlap binder that I got as part of my design team assignment for my LSS Made With Love . I couldn't bear to cover up the chevron design so I decided to "alter" the spine instead [modeling paste with The Crafter's Workshop, black gesso, burlap, bloom, leather strap from an old shoe].

You can tell that I haven't quite gotten the sizing of the photos quite right...*LOL* 

I didn't have any Project Life Cards so I had to dig into my scrap stash. Yeah, and the corner rounder was tooooooooo far away! *winks*

I love the Basic Pages that came with the album though. Because I could add more dimensional items. I didn't have any reinforcement rings so I added a strip of washi tape on both sides. 

I have to say that pocket page scrapbooking wasn't that easy for me because I had to pare down my embellishments and think "smaller". But it's been a fun journey. :)

If you reside in Singapore, you can get this awesome binder and the supplies for this project at Made With Love Singapore. You can also view this album later this week at the store. 


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1 Annette Allen said...

what a sweet album.. love the outside chevrons..

2 Lisa said...

Oh wow, this is amazing!! I love how you altered the spine!! The inside is fabulous!! I love all of the pictures and details!! Amazing job my friend!! Have a great day :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

3 ~amy~ said...

Love what you've done! I'm going to send you some PL cards, I have tons and hoard them much too much!

4 Michelle said...

Love the pages!

5 Ashley Horton said...

Love your album Yvonne! Great approach to PL!

6 Hussena said...

You have done wonders with this album ..Love the chevron cover and the detailing you have done on the spine its just too good !! ..You have a knack of using just the right pictures for all your projects and the insides of your album is just as beautiful:)love each and everything about it :)

7 Lynn said...

Oh Boy! I'm lovin' this album especially that you thought to alter the spine....clever. Your idea of using washi tape instead of reinforcement rings is sheer genius. Your posts really help to get me thinking....I need to work on my albums!

8 Vijaylaxmi Siyal said...

Loved the way u embellish this album and added so much details.....I too bought some snap cards pack recently and after seeing yours get a kick to use them n create a scrapbook album for my sweetie pending since long....;)

9 Lizzy Hill said...

What I love about PL is that it's up to you how you do it....who NEEDS a corner rounded corner, really? And those larger pages look fabulous & I reckon different sized photos are fun to pop in, too. SOOO happy to see in join The Club!!!!

10 Lizzyc said...

I have not gotten the Pl bug yet.. I just dont have the time.. but I do love this size and I reckon your pages look great to me.. a wonderful memory keeper that is for sure..

11 Vasundhara Agarwal said...

So pretty! love the cover and the detailing! need to start crafting again :)

12 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Looks amazing!! I am loving what you did to the spine of your book and the pages look FABULOUS!!!!!

13 SD pooja said...

I loved what have done the spine,Elegant n matches perfectly with the album ! I liked the pages too..pop of red Wow !

14 Audrey Pettit said...

Oh, you're off to an amazing start with the PL style album, my friend! I LOVE your pages! And super cool the way you altered the spine of your album, too!

15 Cindy deRosier said...


Anonymous said...

Awesome pages!! I took my dd to Michaels and Im getting her started on PL!

17 alexandra s.m. said...

as a PLer myself, I can only LOVE your album and these first pages are fabulous!!
Thank You Yvonne

18 Radhika said...

Love the pages.. outer cover is Beautiful.. :)

19 Shelly said...

Love what you did! So sweet!

20 Unknown said...

Your pages look amazing.. You did a great job.


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Cheers, Yvonne.

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