
This week's page from the gratitude journal - Christmas pressies


So friends, were you happy with the Christmas pressies you got? I really really wanted the Hourglass Jellyfish palette (Holiday Limited Edition) and it was sold out in Singapore. My bestie got it for me in the US (*yay!*)...meanwhile, I'm still working my way through that box of Godiva chocolates. And you know how I love my sunnies. Finally got a replacement key pouch for the one I've used for the last 16 years (yep...it may seem like I like new things but I do use my stuff till they are on their last legs...*LOL*)

Tell me what you got for Christmas.


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1 Cindy deRosier said...

Great gifts! I use my stuff until it's completely worn out as well. My purse looks like I've been carrying it every day for 15 years, as it should after 15 years, lol.

2 Lizzyc said...

Very nice! I dint get much as we dont buy for each other at christmas, I would rather make a big deal out of birthdays for my kids!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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