
The week in eye drawings

This week has been all about rediscovering the Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencils as I get into my new sketchbook which has super smooth and ultra-thin pages.

I'm also playing with a limited colour palette...from a friend's stash of Prisma Premier Colored Pencils that I was recently tasked to "save" from the jaws of death (aka the trash bin).

These pencils are way softer and more waxy than the Holbeins so you get a lot of blending but lose out on the details.

I'm also reminded of the "mess" that it creates as you colour...and the constant need to sharpen the pencils.

But it's been fun! :)


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1 Lizzyc said...

Oh these eyes look really good, and I learnt something about different pencils...

2 Cindy deRosier said...

They look great. I'm in shock that someone was going to put Prismas in the trash. I'm glad you rescued them!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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