
What's new in my life: February 2019 edition

I am what you call a bargain hunter. I have a running list of items I want to try out (based on reviews I've read or samples I've tried out) and when they go on sale, that's when I grab them up. :) I don't know what the retail climate is like in your neck of the woods but sales are pretty common here so a savvy shopper never has to pay full price for anything. For everything else, there's Amazon! *winks*

Yep, I especially like it when sets go on sale...more savings! :)

So I might have a thing for lightboxes. They are so fun! I scored these at a bargain at Typo at their post-Christmas sale.

What about you? Are you a bargain hunter?


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Loving the goodies you found!! And I am a total bargain hunter!! I love the clearance sections!!! I just found a dress at Macy's for Brookie's spring school photos for $18.00!! :)

2 Cindy deRosier said...

I'm not a bargain hunter because I'm not a shopper! I love grocery shopping and like buying craft stuff when I know what I need, but otherwise I hate shopping. Weird, I know.

3 Doreen Vasquez said...

In spirit I'm a Bargain Hunter, but my patience (or lack there of) sometimes gets the best of me! LOL
Love all your goodies, especially the NARS and Lightboxes!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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