
Another decorated mooncake box :)

Well friends, it's about time I shared another decorated mooncake box right? *winks*

Yes, they are getting really fancy with mooncake boxes these days. This one was designed for you to use as a jewellery box after you've eaten the mooncakes.  Big thanks to my cousin F who saved this box for me because she knew I would enjoy decorating it. *High fives all those who have relatives that give them pretty but empty boxes ...hehehe* 

The mooncake had a pretty floral print on it so I just added a large ribbon bloom (to cover the name of the restaurant) and some paper blooms to add a little more texture and interest. The most time-consuming part was the pleated ribbon because I had to fold and hot-glue each pleat. On hindsight, I should have just done the pleats with the sewing machine instead. It would have been way faster! And a lot more even!*LOL*

What do you think??

P/s: If you would like to see my other decorated mooncake boxes, please read this post: 12 ways to decorate a mooncake box.


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

You never cease to amaze me!!! This is STUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 Cindy deRosier said...

I can't believe you pleated that by hand. It looks great! I'm trying to wrap my head around how much these mooncakes must cost to come in packaging that doubles as a jewelry box.

3 Lisa said...

You decorated it perfectly!! It looks so stunning!! Wow!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

4 Shelly said...

Sooo pretty, Yvonne!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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