
Has it been a month? My progress on #the100dayproject

Apparently it has been a month since my last update on #the100dayproject.

I don't want to lie. There were some days when I got inspired and did a few sketches at a go while there were blah days when I just didn't work on any eye sketches at all.

You might want to grab a drink or a snack because this is a long one. 28 eye sketches. *winks*

This was 29/100.

30/100. The one where I went a little crazy with the blues. ;)

31/100. I was at home when I did this so I went with a little wet media for the background.

I decided to play with my Derwent Graphitint pencils for 32/100.

Went a little overboard with the purple on 33/100.

A sleepy eye for 34/100.

This one took a while because of the angle. 35/100.

I challenged myself to work with some different supplies that I brought with me on my trip for 36/100.

Clearly in a blue eye phase...37/100.

A muted eye for 38/100.

Inspired by my eye makeup for 39/100.

Crazy blue eye for 40/100.

Played with purples and pinks for 41/100.

Clearly channeling my nail colour for 42/100.

A grey eye for 43/100.

Played with browns and oranges for 44/100.

Back to purple for 45/100.

I went with green for 46/100.

Tried to do t47/100 with watercolour pens but had to save it with coloured pencils. 

A monochromatic eye for 48/100.

I took a couple of days off before working on 49/100.

Fun with highlights for 50/100.

Tried to make 51/100 a little more 3D.

52/100. Trying a different angle.

A tired eye for 53/100.

Used my leftover paint from a canvas project on the background for 54/100.

There you have it. 28 eye sketches. More than halfway there. I think I might actually complete this project. ;)


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1 Lisa said...

They are all so incredibly gorgeous!! Each one is unique and artistic and beautiful!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

2 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

These all look AMAZING!!!!!!

3 Lizzyc said...

My goodness these are amazing, you really have the eyes looking so real and dimensional.. and I also was noticing your fingernail colors too..hehe..

4 Cindy deRosier said...

The most impressive thing is how different they all are! You are doing such a great job trying out different media, colors, angles, highlights, etc.

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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