
More eye sketches from #the100dayproject

17/100. I worked on Bristol paper for this eye sketch. I totally forgot how nice wax-based pencils are on Bristol paper. :)

18/100. Channeling my fave eyeshadow colour on this eye sketch.

19/100. Clearly I was home and had a little more time for this eye sketch...so I went all out...you know, watercolours and alcohol markers. *winks*

Well of course life got in the way and I had to play catchup with eye sketch 20/100.  I chose the lazy person's way out by using a ballpoint pen. *LOL*

21/100.  This was also another catchup eye sketch so I stuck with just a few colours.

22/100. An eye sketch a day did start taking its toll on me at this point. So I decided to work on a watercoloured background base for a change.

Back to my fave eye colour for eye sketch 23/100.

24/100. Inspired by an editorial photo in a fashion magazine.

25/100.  Exercised a little restraint on this eye sketch...and I love how it turned out.

26/100. Not sure about the brows. Hahaha.

27/100. Clearly a catchup eye sketch...;)

28/100. A colourful eye inspired by the watercoloured background.

So #the100dayproject has been a little harder than anticipated. I love drawing the eye but that's when I was drawing an eye a week and enjoying the process of adding different details as the week progressed. Now that I "HAVE" to (not really...I can change the scope/type of project) produce a completed eye sketch for each day, it has become less enjoyable and feels more like "work".

Will I make it to eye sketch #100? Only time will tell [dramatic music plays in the background]. ;)


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1 Lisa said...

Every single one is spectacular!! They're like real eyes staring back at me!! You are amazing!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

2 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

These are all amazing!!!!!

3 SD pooja said...

I wonder what you will do of allt eyes ??

Thats the problem with creativity..its fun when you create on your will..but when it becomes have too..we loose interest.

4 paperpapier said...

I enjoy each piece of your eye drawing...it is so mesmerizing! It becomes less enjoyable when you have timeline to complete it, totally understand that. Maybe you can draw something simpler with less details on a day you feel less passionate about it? Besides, it will give some variety to your drawing. Looking forward to your next episode..ha..ha..feels like watching an interesting serial drama.

5 Cindy deRosier said...

These are amazing! I do hope you keep going. It will be so cool to see the progression. I'd love to see a big collage when you're done. Maybe animal eyes now and then to add some variety?

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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